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Wednesday, November 16, 2011


As Christians, followers of Christ, lovers of God, the BRIDE, we are called to be a reflection of God. Right? The idea that if God is the sun, we should be the moon (thanks, Phil Wickham). Typically, we get a bad rap because we can't seem to "practice what we preach," if you will. We are excellent at TALKING about what life lived for the Kingdom LOOKS like, but not as great at living it out. This is a disastrous disappointment to many - Christians and nonchristians alike. Especially as Christians we get flustered that other Christians (even ourselves) seem to be shaming the name of God even as we carry it, etched deeply into our hearts. But have you ever stopped to think about what is asked of us?
God's love is perfect, pure, and true. Humans are imperfect, impure, and altogether disloyal/faithless. How could we possibly ever depict an accurate image of Christ in ourselves? No wonder so many people get a skewed view of Christianity! The people delivering the message are flawed and sinful. Left to us alone, we could never show what it is that His Kingdom represents. Never! Luckily he is faithful and has our back. He is bigger than our sins and failures, no matter how far and wide they may seem to expand... God expands farther and wider. Always. Without fail. PTL.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

We are happy.

We want. We get. We are happy. Right? Not necessarily. Sometimes we miswant.

Let me explain... I was reading my social psychology book last night and it was throwing out all kinds of facts about how out of touch we are with ourselves. Most often, we have no idea what will make us happy, sad, get it. In general, we are awful predictors of our own emotions. We tend to overestimate the enduring effects of bad things that happen in our lives, we underestimate how soon we will finish our tasks, and we simply misestimate the length of our relationships with others. 

I don't know about you, but this paints a vivid picture of my omnipotent God. How crazy is it that we don't know ourselves? BUT, how awesome is it that we can't figure ourselves out and God know every last thing about us?! So refreshing that I could stumble across God's presence in the science of psychology.