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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

LORD, my Lord.

I'm flawed at even fully understanding what I'm about to type, therefore my explanation is also flawed. But stick with me, okay? This is a lot cooler if you SEE it in your bible yourself, so if you have a bible near by, flip to Psalm 8. If not...I'll type it anyways.

"O LORD, our Lord, your majestic name fills the earth! Your glory is higher than the heavens!" Psalm 8:1

Notice the fact that the first "LORD" is written in all caps, and the second "Lord" is written with the "L" in caps and the "ord" in lowercase. Cool thing here.... They mean different things! LORD refers to our heavenly father and always has covenant implications. Lord, on the other hand, is simply a name for a master or someone superior to the user...not explicitly God. Lord specifically refers to the term "adonai." Upon learning this, I googled adonai because I had always associated adonai with God...I thought they were interchangeable or something. Nooope. Adonai simply signifies ownership or mastership.

Clearly, the verse in Psalm 8 is referring to God. So, by using the term Lord (instead of God, Yahweh, LORD, Father....etc) David (author of Psalm 8) is noting specifically that God has ownership over him. Total possession. David was in complete submission. So so cool!

Today, ask God to be your Lord. Give Him total possession. You won't regret it!

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